Tag Archives: mario

Mario to Minecraft: Mother to Mother

Mario to Minecraft: Mother to Mother

So something happen today.  Something that I find so awesome when it happens…

So as you guys know my son Drake LOVES Mario.. I have been having a heck of time finding Mario things for his birthday… Well today when we were checking out I looked down and what to my amazement but little Mario figurines! I was thrilled.  Well I got one of each they had and then I thought “HMMMM I wonder if the other check out lines might have some different ones?”.  So while Dad finished unloading the buggy I rushed from isle to isle looking at their figurines and when I return I notice the lady behind me looking at me curiously.  So I turn to her and apologize, I explain to her that my son is Autistic and he is captivated by Mario.  That I am struggling finding things for him in Mario for some reason this year and that finding these were a score.  She smiles and replies “I completely understand! I have twins and one of them is Autistic.  He is all about Minecraft!”

But you know what it wasn’t just about our boys that we were fascinated with… It was about each other.  For a moment we were connecting with someone who understood our lives.  Of all places at that in the grocery LINE!

See for parents of any special needs child you sometimes feel like you are alone.  You start to think there is no possible way anyone can understand how you feel at this very moment.  Then you meet that parent that is going through this with you and BAM you realize I am not alone and I actually have a community that understands.

So while most of you in Walmart today thought I was totally nuts running from isle to isle looking for figurines, it was nice to meet that stranger that got it.  It sounded like two moms geeking out at the first day of school about things that had been going on all summer… lol but actually we were comparing notes about our kids.

So now I have one request for anyone who reads this, please send me a link to anywhere you can think I might find some Mario gear for his birthday or gear.  HELPP! LOL I am struggling to find stuff outside of video games for a 5 year old…

Basic Aspergers for you Dummies

Basic Aspergers for you Dummies

We all know that our Aspie’s (or the High Functioning Autistic children now as they are called) hyper focus on certain things in their “world”.  It becomes their obsession… Since my son was 18 months old it has been Mario Brothers for him.. He has self-taught himself how to play the games, now he YouTube’s the games and teaches himself how to play.  Most of the time he has taught himself how to play the new games through video’s and when the game comes out he is almost bored with the game after a week… Hence why we love GameFly…

Here is why I give you all this background… Every evaluation we go to they ask me the same question: Is there any one topic he seems to fixated about and loves to learn about? —  My answer is always “Educationally NO, but he is super fixated on video games, especially Mario.  He loves to learn about games new and old.  How to level up, new gear coming out, how the amiibo works, and just anything Wii related.”

It is INTENSE when he is talking about Mario… If he is talking about Mario and he thinks you aren’t listening he will say “Mommy are you listening to me!” over and over until he is acknowledged… He gets absolutely giddy over it.. It’s hard to explain but if you have an Aspie you know what I am talking about… 🙂

But what makes me so CRAZY is every time I say this, they look at me and say “oh no I mean like Dinosaurs or Space”.  I always shoot them a look like “Wait who the freakity freak are you to tell me what my sons obsession should be? So to be an Aspie it has to be Dino’s or Space? Educational only? ummmm last I checked these kids have different personalities and different interest… So are ‘normal’ children only allowed to like video’s games and non-educational stuff?”

My question is WHO THE HECK TAUGHT THESE PPL!  I know my son isn’t the only gaming Aspie out there because I have a good friend whose son is equally obsessed… so I told my husband that next time a teacher or Dr. tries to dismiss this I am gonna have to do some serious educating… I am gonna offer “Basic Aspergers for You Dummies”…  I am going to have to start asking for creditials if this keeps up.. Make sure they aren’t coming out of a Cracker Jack Box… yummm Cracker Jacks.. Oops sorry, I’m back.. lol

But is it me or do these people really think that we as parents are this slow.  That we aren’t paying attention to the stupidity that comes out of their mouths sometimes.  Whether be a Dr. discussing a treatment plan or a Teacher at an IEP meeting.  I want to look at them and say, you know how do you think we got to this point? It wasn’t because Mama was slow on the uptake people.  Someone had to get him here.  Are you feeling me?

Please guys I am always looking to hear from you guys and what you are hearing from the “experts” on your children… I know I am not the only one around here thinking they need to slap somebody sometimes…

note: please know I am not saying that obsessions about dinosaurs or space aren’t acceptable, but that drs have to be open to other non-educational type of obsessions sometimes.