Teachers Can Bully Too

Teachers Can Bully Too

I know I haven’t been blogging much.  My life seems to have been going nuts.

I am still seething over all that has happen.. I am trying not but it is getting ridiculous.  I am learning more and more how teachers (and I guess I should say some teachers bc there are great teachers out there too) are using tactics like humiliation to get what they want out of a child.  My son for instance when he is overwhelmed, anxious or scared does this whine that I will admit is annoying.  However that is how he copes and until he learns a new behavior he is gonna do that behavior… Well when he does this whine he pulls his hands up to his mouth.  Well in an IEP meeting (in front of her principal and the special ed director) his teacher admitted to telling him he looked like a cat when he does this.. Well I know to some this may seem harmless… But here is the thing about my son, He is LITERAL I mean so literal I can’t even call him my sweet baby boy.  He gets so upset when someone calls him anything other than his name.  So I know that this caused him distress which is a distress he doesn’t deserve… When we could be modeling the behavior and role playing that behavior with him to get him to learn the desired behavior.. ugh..  What is more frustrating is when I asked the teacher not to do this, she took the first chance she got to humiliate me in the meeting. which means she sees nothing wrong with humiliation as a tactic if it gets her the desired result.  can I bang my head against a wall… Humiliating our children is cowardly, it is the cowards way of getting what you want out of our children.  There are many positive ways of working with our children to teach them how to display the appropriate behavior.  However that is gonna require you to do the work and repeat until he learns the behavior.  I don’t know how many times I have told you that the more you sing song something or give him a visual the fast he learns.  Oh wait I am just the dummy mommy.

Look these children deserve better than this, we don’t send them to school to be bullied by the teacher, they will get enough of that by the children.  The parents you teachers see as neurotic  are actually parents that love their children so much it hurts.  These are the parents you should be embracing not trying to alienate.  These are the parents who will help you do whatever you need when you need it.  But these are also the parents who will stand up for their babies no matter the cost or the circumstances..

I am just so tired of being talked down too like I haven’t been living the hell of teaching my son how to communicate effectively and act in appropriate manners when he needs, wants or desires something.  Like I haven’t been in the trenches with my son for the last 5 years.  Look teachers have degrees but I have the Ph. D in my son and what works for him.  You will not make me feel inferior.  You will not make me feel like I am beneath you.  I am his mother and it would behoove you to listen to me.  I can help you and you can help me.  It could be a team effort, Instead you have turned it into a pissing contest.  Well I refuse to piss with you.  I will keep fighting for my son until I feel he has what he needs and then I will sit back and let you piss away in the wind.  I don’t gives a rats butt about you but I do care about my son.

So while you may think that humiliating me was your big win, think again.  You just showed me your hand and now I know what you are truly like.  I am saddened by this because I had hopes for my sons school year.  Dreams of it being this amazing team between each other..  That’s ok though. I see what it is like, however I won’t let you jade me against the other teachers that might come into his life.  This will not ruin that potential relationship.  Just know that your tactics are cowardly and crude.  You shouldn’t be doing this to our special needs kids.  These are the most amazing kids and you have the privilege of teaching them.   If you don’t think of it like that then you are in the wrong job.

Now this is just one mothers opinion.  please no hate mail about how teachers are wonderful.. I have been a teacher and like in every job you have ur bad apples… I think I found one.  But like I said next year will be different for my son bc I believe we will have a great teacher!

About mommieflipped

I have been a Stay-at-Home Mom for 5 years. It has been the joy of my life but definitely hasn't been a bed of roses. I have a beautiful 10 year old daughter whom I adopted last year. (YAY!) She has been my daughter since the day I met her about 6 years ago when her father and I started dating. She smiles even when she isn't sure why she should be smiling. She has faced enormous difficulties in life being a survivor of rape. I am just so happy to her forever mommy words fail to express that right now. My husband and I have one biological child together. My son is 4 years old and he is High Functioning Autistic (formerly known as Aspergers). They also suspect he has Sensory Processing Disorder. I highly recommend you check out SPD before allowing a doctor to diagnosis your child as ADD/ADHD. They instantly wanted to label my son as ADHD. I started to research and found that SPD is often overlooked and children are diagnosed as ADHD just because doctors aren't as familiar with this disorder. Anyways I have loved being a mom to him. His need to be literal keeps me laughing, his sensory needs keep me on my "A-Game", and his quirks make him remarkably unique. What is better than having children who break the mold! I spend a lot of time researching and trying to figure this out. I do not believe in a cure for Autism as a necessity. I believe that we just need to find that key that unlocks them to the world. Maybe if we stop trying to make them societies idea of socially acceptable then we might just find that key. I am not a writer, I am a Mom who is using this as my outlet to reach others who have similar situations. So no need to send me messages that say "Hey you know you use a lot of run on sentences" and "your spelling sucks".. I already know these things. However please feel free to drop me a message anytime to talk about what our children have in common or to just ask questions. So thank you for reading my blog.

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