Wedding Bells Are Silent



Image is Property of Mommie Done Flipped

Today as I shopped Hobby Lobby to find my supplies for a photo shoot when I was forced to realized something that I had put out of my head.  You were getting married to the love of your life, the man of your dreams, and your one true match sent By God.  That was a super real moment for me.

In that moment as I looked at things I had moments of thoughts like this “Did she pick this up and look at it for her wedding?” or “Would she be in here right now with her daughter excitedly picking stuff out for her big day!”

It left me feeling so insanely sad, so guilty that I am with my love, so guilty that I get to have moments with my son and daughter still.   You deserved all this too.  So to you I say, Sherry I am sorry those wedding bells are now silent, but I can only hope those Trumpets playing when you entered those Pearly Gates were more profound than any wedding bell would ever have been.  I like to think you and Mike head those Trumpets together.  That while on earth we feel you never got to have your journey with Mike, but indeed you are having that journey with him on a much larger level.

I did not know you and Mike, but standing in that line for over an hour to pay my respects I seen the friends your kept, the people you have touched, and they were amazing people.  So that tells me that you were too.

While now I grieve for you and Mike, even though I didn’t know you, I also hope people know you guys are not far from each other in heaven.

About mommieflipped

I have been a Stay-at-Home Mom for 5 years. It has been the joy of my life but definitely hasn't been a bed of roses. I have a beautiful 10 year old daughter whom I adopted last year. (YAY!) She has been my daughter since the day I met her about 6 years ago when her father and I started dating. She smiles even when she isn't sure why she should be smiling. She has faced enormous difficulties in life being a survivor of rape. I am just so happy to her forever mommy words fail to express that right now. My husband and I have one biological child together. My son is 4 years old and he is High Functioning Autistic (formerly known as Aspergers). They also suspect he has Sensory Processing Disorder. I highly recommend you check out SPD before allowing a doctor to diagnosis your child as ADD/ADHD. They instantly wanted to label my son as ADHD. I started to research and found that SPD is often overlooked and children are diagnosed as ADHD just because doctors aren't as familiar with this disorder. Anyways I have loved being a mom to him. His need to be literal keeps me laughing, his sensory needs keep me on my "A-Game", and his quirks make him remarkably unique. What is better than having children who break the mold! I spend a lot of time researching and trying to figure this out. I do not believe in a cure for Autism as a necessity. I believe that we just need to find that key that unlocks them to the world. Maybe if we stop trying to make them societies idea of socially acceptable then we might just find that key. I am not a writer, I am a Mom who is using this as my outlet to reach others who have similar situations. So no need to send me messages that say "Hey you know you use a lot of run on sentences" and "your spelling sucks".. I already know these things. However please feel free to drop me a message anytime to talk about what our children have in common or to just ask questions. So thank you for reading my blog.

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